Boys & Girls Club of Tampa Bay





Help Boys & Girls Clubs of Tampa Bay provide youth in need with great coaches and mentors to help them grow up to be grounded adults.


Ensuring Boys & Girls Clubs of Tampa Bay staff members have sufficient resources and mentorship opportunities is vital to professional and organizational development. With our staff well equipped with trainings, mental & community support, and elevated morale, they in turn become better mentors and role models to Club kids.

This is not possible without funding and sponsorship opportunities made possible by you – our loyal community supporters and Alumni. You can also become involved with the Alumni Association at Boys & Girls Clubs of Tampa Bay, so you can have direct impact on mentoring our staff and helping Club kids thrive in athletics.


Sponsor Staff Awards

Recognition of our staff’s hard work empowers them to continue to strive for excellence and be engaged with their service to the community. You can sponsor incentives for our staff to remind them how appreciated they are.

Sponsor Mentorship Program

You can help provide our staff with continued professional development and mental support by sponsoring mentorship programs.

Get Involved With The Alumni Association

Join our Alumni Association to help your fellow community members join resources and knowledge to help further our programs for staff mentorship and sports involvement for Club Members.

For more information, please contact Elisa Jackson at 813.769.7528 or

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Help give our kids the tools they need to excel at school in order to graduate on time


Provide a safe place for kids to realize their full potential and foster a new generation of leaders


Increase our kids’ healthy habits to strengthen their ability to interact positively with others and form healthy relationships.

Hear From Our Champion

Dear Alumni & Friends of The Club,

Since 1926, Boys & Girls Clubs of Tampa Bay has helped many kids in the Tampa Bay area during the most crucial time in their young developmental lives. Coaching and mentoring from staff have given these youth the skills and resources needed to grow into caring, productive, responsible citizens, many of whom still live in Tampa. In order to continue the Movement and legacy that Boys & Girls Clubs has established, we need to invest in these loyal, dedicated staff members.

Therefore, Boys & Girls Clubs of Tampa Bay Alumni Association are excited to announce The Permuy Family Mentorship Program to support Staff Mentorship & Professional Development, in honor of The Permuy Family, who have collectively devoted over 60 consecutive years of coaching and mentoring to thousands of Club youth and staff.

As Alumni of Boys & Girls Clubs of Tampa Bay, we have seen first-hand how great coaches and mentors are able to shape our character and push us toward success in life through Club development and sports. Now, we have an opportunity to give back to the Boys & Girls Clubs that helped us become the men and women that we are today. Fellow Alumni and friends can make an impact on future Alumni by supporting The Permuy Family Mentorship Program.

This program will not only help shape staff members to be the best advocates for Club youth, but will also acknowledge and award program staff for their dedication and devotion to the Mission of the organization. The Permuy Family Award will be given to one male and one female staff member each year who mentor and coach kids on a daily basis. The presentation of this award will also encourage youth within the Clubs to aspire to be like their staff, coaches, and mentors.

The Alumni Association are excited to assist Boys & Girls Clubs of Tampa Bay to further build the Staff Mentorship & Professional Development Program, and truly believe this can be one of the Clubs best resources for quality career employees which results in helping more of today’s Club members and a solid foundation for the future of the Clubs.

At this time, a fellow Alumni and his wife have pledged $20,000 to start The Permuy Family Mentorship Program & Award for the Boys and Girls Club. We humbly ask that you join us and make your best pledge to support this endeavor. You can support this program by giving a monetary gift, volunteering your time, joining the Alumni Association, connecting Boys & Girls Clubs with your employer for a charitable contribution, and/or sharing this information with your friends and family to get involved as well.

You can contact Chief Development Officer, Elisa Jackson at or 518-366-0511 to fulfill your pledge and get involved today.

With sincere thanks from,

Boys & Girls Clubs of Tampa Bay Alumni Committee